page 32

like always I spended the day taking care of my sheeps

their wool sels well

and winter is coming, I have to prepare some wood or I'll die for the cold

page 36

nothing new happend, but my nephew finaly paid me a visit, I haven't seen him in ages, he's fourteen now, he's growing up fast
he says he wants to be a shepherd just like his uncle

I don't understand why he likes this job so much

my sister and I want him to study and become someone important, a doctor wouldn't be so bad

page 50

last night I had a dream

I heard some voices calling me

but I couldn't say anything

than they started singing, it was a weird song, I don't remember the words I remember feeling scared, but at the same time I felt at home, still there was something wrong, I just can't explain it

page 70

it happend again just like last night

they're just standing there, I can't see them but I know they're there
I wish I could open my eyes, but I know I must NEVER open my ayes, I just know it

I want this dreams to stop

they creep me out

page 62

I just woke up, and I went to check on the sheeps

and they where all standing still staring at the lake

it's like they're not listening

and the dog wouldn't stop barking

I checked the lake but it's just a lake, as always, even if, I have to say, the water is oddly thick


I am so happy

they are so bright I'm so thsankful I own thsm everything I nned thsim in my life I can't live like this I nnedddddddd tham I know how to join them now I know wha t mjust be done

soon I will be by their side once again

page 75

I think I saw them somehow

I can't explain it, I just know I did

they were so beautiful

still something is wrong, I don't feel safe

one of my sheep died today

page 82

my nephew paid me a visit

he told me the farm looks weird, I don't know what he ment

everything seems fine

he told me, he felt like someone was watching him

I asked him to explain what he felt

he told me he felt like someone was watching and trying to touch him

like someone wanted to take him away, he even said he heard someone whispering

I asked what the whispers said

page 100

I'm starting to hallucinate

I see shiny figures out of the corner of my eye

when I turn around they disappear

they remind me of children

I can see them playing

I think they want me to play with them

page 101

I see them in my dreams now

I can feel them pulling and pushing me

they're not alone they are with them too

I've try to play with the children but it's not easy

I can't see, I can't touch, I can't ear

but I know they're there

I can almost ear their laughter

page 111

this time they were quiet

they were trying to tell me something

the children were just staring at me

I don't understand what they're trying to tell me

I'm not sure I want to know

this all feels wrong

it's like I'm a part of something bigger than me, something I can't control

maybe I should ignore them

but what if ...

I don't know what I should do

page 121

all my sheeps are dead

even if they're dead I can hear them

I can still "see" the children, now I heard them clearly

they want me to take care of them

they said they promised them a father a long time ago

I'm the promised shepherd

I've honestly never wanted a child

but I feel sorry for them

I've just realized

all of this isn't normal

I've eccepted this weird things like they're just reality

but I must have gone nuts, all of this can't be real right? I need to see someone, I need a doctor, a psychologist, I

they're crying

what have I done

we're such a happy family

I can see them clearly in the mirror

they're behind me

they're all smiling

and they have such beautiful ayes, pitch black

although I remembered them looking brighter

they're always watching me

they asked me to buy more mirrors

we're always togheter

and I'm starting to hear them better

I still can't make out what they're saying

they're say I'm still not ready

but I will be soon enough

the shepherd knows he must take care of his sheeps

he must feed them with his bare hands

his flock will grow over time

and all the sheeps will follow him until the end

in one united flock